Storyteller Blend
Storyteller Blend
70% Colombia
30% Brazil
Altitude: 900-2150m
Process: Washed and Natural
This is Coma's signature house blend. This coffee is versatile and shines both as a drip brew and in espresso preparation. This coffee is known for its smooth body and well-balanced acidity, making it an excellent choice for various brewing methods.
When brewed as a drip coffee, our Storyteller blend presents a sweet, vibrant flavor profile with notes of caramel, chocolate, and a hint of citrus. Its clean finish highlights a subtle nuttiness that complements breakfast pastries or a quiet afternoon break.
In espresso form, the Storyteller blend retains its rich character, delivering a creamy shot with deep, caramelized sugars and a velvety mouthfeel. The bright acidity adds an inviting brightness, while the sweetness balances perfectly to create a delightful crema. This coffee stands up well to milk, making it ideal for lattes and cappuccinos, but it is equally enjoyable as a straight shot.
Whether you prefer the comforting ritual of drip coffee or the concentrated experience of espresso, Storyteller delivers consistently delicious results.
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